
Lavery Haynes

We are pleased to announce that with effect from 1 October 2015 Lavery Haynes Solicitors was acquired by Streathers Solicitors. Streathers continues to practice from 1 Heath Street and Andrew Lavery is now a consultant with us. We have a team of…

Latest case law development on prenuptial agreements WW v HW [2015] EWHC 1844 (Fam), the High Court gives significant weight to a prenuptial agreement even though it did not provide for the husband’s needs. The court took into account the…

Providing for children in your Will Most parents tell us that ideally they would like to leave their estate to be shared equally among their children. However, there are often circumstances when such a straightforward share may not be possible. For…

A High Court decision provides a helpful reminder for commercial tenants of the need to fully comply with any conditions for exercising break rights. Otherwise, as in this case, the lease will continue to exist. Tenants should check carefully the terms of…

The High Court has found a UK company civilly liable for victims of trafficking for the first time. The case illustrates the need for businesses to take action to ensure that modern slavery is eradicated form their supply chains. In this case, a gangmaster…

The Background The government is concerned that some companies facilitate illicit activities – from money laundering to tax evasion, corruption to terrorist financing. It believes that greater transparency of company own ership and…